About Alkhomri company
About Alkhomri company
Al-Khamri Hotels, Hajj and Umrah Company is considered one of the trustworthy institutions in this field since its establishment in the year (1405 AH - 1985 AD) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as the group holds a permit to serve pilgrims and visitors to the Mosque of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, from the Ministry of Hajj, permit No. (38) It obtained the ISO certificate in the year (2015 AD). Our goal and our greatest concern was and still is to ensure the provision of the highest level of service to the guests of the Holy House of God and to ensure their stay and enjoyment of performing their rituals with ease and ease, and to prepare to receive the pilgrims and visitors who will come to the Holy House of God from various places. Countries of the world, Al-Khomri Company has completed its preparations in terms of electronic control and field monitoring systems to follow up on the arrival, accommodation and departure of pilgrims, provide their service packages and receive their complaints, comments and inquiries. Previous years have witnessed the development and construction of an electronic system to follow up arrival, accommodation, transportation and departure and it continued to activate it after the completion of the automatic connection. Between us and the external agents, we activated the electronic application via smart devices (Android and iPhone), and thanks to God and His success, this electronic system contributed to achieving distinguished results, the forms of which were represented by the facilitation and comfort of the pilgrim from his arrival to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to his departure from his country.

We have more than
Year of experience
We have more than
Advanced bus
We have more than
We have more than
Shield and medal
Serving our customers for more than 40 year .
company bio
(We meet - we care - we are unique) Planning with perfect performance, conscious management, and meeting visitors’ services.
company goals
Providing the highest level of service to the guests of God, and ensuring that they enjoy performing their rituals with ease and ease.
company vision
Providing the best ways to achieve expansion and spread locally, Arably and globally to serve visitors to the Holy House of God.